TEC Housing Conference: There's No Place Like Home

TEC Housing Conference: There's No Place Like Home

On September 19th, 2023, Sharon Hannah, our Digital Telecare Project Manager, presented at the TEC Housing 2023 Conference. Her presentation was a resounding success, shedding light on crucial aspects of our ongoing journey to digital telecare.

In her insightful talk, she delved into both the opportunities and challenges that arise during the transformative process of migrating from analogue to digital.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Opportunities Abound: Sharon emphasised how the shift from analogue to digital telecare services offers a wealth of opportunities. It enables housing associations to enhance the quality of services, streamline operations, and, most importantly, better cater to the evolving needs of residents.
  2. Challenges Addressed: While the digital switchover is promising, it does come with challenges. Sharon expertly navigated through these potential roadblocks, offering strategies and solutions to mitigate risks and ensure a smooth transition.
  3. Digital Telecare Programme Support: Sharon outlined how our Digital Telecare Programme plays a pivotal role in supporting housing associations during this transition. By offering tailored solutions and expert guidance, we aim to empower housing associations to embrace the digital future confidently.

Sharon Hannah said: "The Tec-H conference gave a perfect platform to highlight migration to digital and the support DT can provide. Astonishingly some members have already signed up to resources via the Housing Resource Pack, and if you are still working through digital transition plans, please get in touch."


We extend our gratitude to Sharon for her outstanding presentation and dedication to the Digital Telecare Programme. Her expertise and passion continue to drive our mission of supporting Telecare Service Providerd and raising awareness for the analogue to digital switchover.