| Digital Office | Scottish Local Government

Telecare Benchmarking Project

What is the Benchmarking Project?

The Telecare Benchmarking project, funded by the Scottish Government Digital Health and Care (DHAC), is being delivered in partnership with Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN). Through collaborative data collection, this project aims to enable service improvement using evidence-based comparative analysis. 

Benchmarking is an essential business improvement tool. It allows for businesses, big or small, private or public sector to evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement in a comparative way. By following a structured benchmarking process, organisations can develop evidence-based self-improvement plans that match their business goals, whatever they may be.

By benchmarking Telecare Services, this allows organisations to eliminate assumptions about how the service is performing, ultimately meeting the needs of your service users and funding stakeholders. 

How to get involved 

To participate in Telecare Benchmarking, you will be asked to complete a fixed dataset, that has been agreed, and is kept under review, by the Digital Telecare Programme, SHN and the range of participating HSCPs. The dataset we use is the Telecare Information Framework (TIF). 

Once the data is submitted to the team, it is analysed quarterly and crucially, benchmark this against other HSCPs nationally. You can see your absolute and comparative performance in the different aspects of service delivery. 

This information provides you with the evidence base you need to develop robust and meaningful self-improvement plans. The evidence base removes any guess work and provides confidence and reassurance as to where you are performing well. The evidence also allows you to allocate resources in areas that most need improvement and provide the evidence base needed to secure any additional funding.  

You will also be invited to attend and participate in quarterly Telecare Benchmarking workshops, where you can meet and work with other HSCPs participating in Telecare Benchmarking. 

If you would like more information on the benchmarking project, or would like to join the group, please email digitaltelecare@digitalofffice.scot