| Digital Office | Scottish Local Government

Angus Health and Social Care Partnership Awarded Silver Digital Telecare Implementation Award

Award. Digital Telecare. 24.05.2023

Digital Telecare for Scottish Local Government are delighted to confirm that Angus Health and Social Care Partnership have been awarded the Silver Digital Telecare Implementation Award in recognition of the progress they have made on their analogue to digital telecare transition project.


To achieve the Silver Award, a telecare service provider must have successfully completed penetration testing and internal acceptance testing. This is one of the most challenging stages of the transition and frequently uncovers technical challenges which must be overcome before further progress can be made. Successful completion of this stage clearly demonstrates the security and safety of the digital telecare solution Angus Health and Social Care Partnership have implemented.


Following rigorous testing and evaluation, the new digital alarm call system has proven to be safe and secure set-up fit for the 21st Century. Achieving the Silver Implementation Award now paves the way for the roll-out of digital telecare to more Angus residents and to work towards Gold Level One accreditation as the number of digital units increase.


Angus Health and Social Care Partnership began their transition to digital telecare in October 2018 and with the region being a mixture of rural and urban areas, brought a few natural connectivity and signal issues. The team initially began the process by upgrading to an in-house digital Alarm Receiving Centre solution and creating a working group to tackle the technical aspects of the upgrade. They successfully completed that upgrade in November 2020 and have since carried out comprehensive testing of communications between the ARC and the Disaster Recovery Unit addressing connectivity issues between the two and future proofing both sites to ensure an efficient fully digital base with which to build the service around.


Since November 2021 they have conducted a full penetration test of the system, as well as carrying out a comprehensive Internal Acceptance testing involving 30 members of staff helping to test 1186 calls through the digital ARC. Any raised testing issues have been dealt with and sign off on our whole ARC system was achieved in August 2022. The unit issues raised during IAT have been explored and rectified and the team are now carrying out some UAT testing. Due to communication company line upgrading, they have also had to start their digital migration which runs simultaneously with UAT testing.


Glenda Hunter, Technology Enabled Care Development Officer at Angus HSCP, said: “Well done to the team at Angus for all their hard work and effort to get us so far in our transition to analogue to digital – thank you.”


Achieving the Silver Award is a significant milestone and robustly demonstrates the overall security and functionality of the digital telecare solution and enables Angus Health and Social Care Partnership to confidently progress to testing with service users.


We’d like to congratulate Angus Health and Social Care Partnership for achieving the Silver Digital Telecare Implementation Award. This is a significant milestone and robustly demonstrates the overall security and functionality of the digital telecare solution, enabling them to confidently progress to testing with service user. 


Digital Telecare for Scottish Local Government will continue to work with Angus as they progress to testing with service users and achieving their Gold Level One Digital Telecare Implementation Award.