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Dumfries and Galloway Council Awarded Bronze Digital Telecare Implementation Award

Award. Digital Telecare. 29.08.2024

We are delighted to confirm that Dumfries and Galloway Council has been awarded the Bronze Digital Telecare Implementation Award in recognition of the progress they have made on their analogue to digital telecare transition project.

To achieve Bronze status through Route 2, a Telecare Service Provider must have successfully deployed digital-ready alarm devices to at least 50% of all dispersed and group alarm users. This is the first major milestone in the transition to digital telecare and sets the foundations upon which the rest of the digital telecare transition will rest.

The Council Telecare team has been working hard to get ready for the rollout of the national digital telephone network and convert all their existing personal alarm equipment to be digital compliant. They have 4 Technicians supported by 5 Field Officers who are visiting over 4,000 Care Call clients throughout the region and installing new digital equipment.

Dumfries and Galloway Council have now passed the halfway point of the rollout, and are on course to meet the December 2025 deadline to achieve a fully digital service. The Bronze implementation award recognises the progress towards this goal and the substantial work already undertaken by all Care Call staff.

Stephen Morgan, Service Director, Social Work Services, said: “I’m delighted that the hard work and dedication of the team has been recognised by this award. To achieve this level of success in a short period of time shows their commitment to keeping vulnerable people safe. I have no doubt the team will continue to progress and will be successful in achieving the silver and gold awards.”

Mike Shepley, Head of Customer and Digital & Chair for Digital Transformation Programme Board, said: “I am pleased to congratulate our team on achieving the Bronze Digital Telecare Implementation Award. This recognition highlights our dedication to providing vital Telehealth care services to over 4000 users across Dumfries and Galloway. Our digital telecare solutions are crucial for supporting vulnerable individuals, enhancing their independence and wellbeing. This award underscores our commitment to leveraging digital technology to improve health and care services for our community.” 

The Council’s in-house telecare service is aiming to go live with a cloud hosted digital Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) in September 2024. Based in Dumfries, the ARC will allow the flexibility and scalability necessary to handle all digital communications. This will be the next major milestone in their digital implementation journey, and following successful end-to-end digital testing, they hope to achieve the Silver Implementation Award prior to the coming New Year.

We extend our wholehearted congratulations to Dumfries and Galloway Council and look forward to continuing to work with them as they progress towards the Silver Digital Telecare Implementation Award.