| Digital Office | Scottish Local Government

Failed Analogue Calls Analysis

Announcement. Digital Telecare Team. 19.12.2024

Telecare Service Providers (TSPs) are at different stages of their migration to digital telecare. Until this migration is completed, analogue telecare alarms remain in use, meaning there is an ongoing risk of alarm calls from these analogue devices failing.

Recent reports have spotlighted failed analogue call rates across the UK. In response, The Digital Office, in collaboration with FarrPoint and Skyresponse AB, has conducted some analysis of current failed call figures in Scotland.

This information is particularly relevant for Shared ARC Platform adopters but provides valuable insights for the wider sector.

For Shared ARC Adopters, detailed instructions on how to generate your own report on failed analogue calls from the platform can be found in the Appendix.

The Digital Office will continue to support all Scottish Telecare Service Providers as they transition their services from analogue to digital.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to the  Digital Telecare team.

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