| Digital Office | Scottish Local Government

Telecoms Bulletin - Openreach ALL-IP Digital Switchover

Insights. Digital Telecare. 29.08.2024

We have been working closely with Openreach and several local authorities to develop a briefing for the Openreach ALL-IP Programme. This briefing is designed to educate consumers and businesses, with a particular focus on supporting vulnerable individuals and preventing exploitation during the transition from analogue to digital services.

In discussions with colleagues from other local authorities, it became clear that a flexible, editable briefing would be a valuable resource, given the varying levels of resources available across different areas. This resource can be used by all Scottish Local Authorities and their partners to help spread the news and give better insight to individuals, their carers, and their families.

The goal is to provide a foundational document that all local authorities can customise according to their needs and the tools they have at their disposal. This ensures that the briefing remains relevant and accessible, while also being confident that it contains the latest and most accurate messaging, created in collaboration with local authorities, the Digital Office, and Openreach.

Openreach suggests using this briefing as a leaflet for distribution within your community or as content for your resident newsletters. Additionally, you can adapt it for your website, personalise it with your logo, and include any local information to make it truly your own.

ALL-IP Digital Switchover Leaflet

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